terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2024


As categorias gramaticais (Continuação)

ADJECTIVES increase out knowledge of nouns. By putting the word black in front of cat, our knowledge of noun cat has been increased. Black is thus an adjective.

VERBS are words which tell us what a noun does. More explicitly, we might say that a verb makes a statement, asks a question, or expresses a command.

The cat jumps. (Statement.)
Has the cat jumped? (Question.)
You must jump. (Command.)

ADVERBS usually increase our knowledge of verbs, just as adjectives do of nouns; but, at times, they also add to the meaning of adjectives and prepositions.

The cat jumps silently.

PREPOSITIONS tell us the relationship between two or more nouns. Take the words, A cat on the wall... On is a preposition because it tells us how the cat was situated with regard to the wall.

Os apontamentos acima foram extraídos do livro "Correct English", de S. C. Johnson.

São explicações da gramática de uma forma prática. A tradução não é difícil e leva o leitor a aprender a gramática das duas línguas ao mesmo tempo.

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